All Meta Tags

Friday, December 3, 2010
If you would like to know about meta tags and which are available and advised to be present at any website you're at the right address. SEO-WATCH is up to date and well informed about what is new and what is old on the Internet.

The most important meta tags are listed below they should be present in your HTML code. This will provide valuable information to search engines and tell them how to categorize and handle your website. Apply them or at least get a good understanding, which meta tags are available and how any website can communicate with search engines in a transparent and comprehensible way.

All Meta Name Tags in The HTML Code

* Google Optimization Search Engine Optimization - SEO WATCH

Content Reflecting Title and Description Comes Here

Examples above show you which meta tags should be added to your site. You can just copy and paste the above into your website HTML code into the head section and then modify it for your specific needs.

SEO-WATCH recommends to have all above listed tags i between the opening and closing tag of your HTML code.