How to Spot Great SEO

Thursday, December 9, 2010
SEO is truly a mindset a business or a person must realize that it is more than just search engine rankings. The companies and individuals that realize this are the ones that are really reaping the benefits of marketing themselves online in the search engine space. Great search engine optimization doesn’t just happen overnight or with some “tool” you found out there to make it happen quicker. Really good search engine optimization is a craft that takes time to acquire and the companies that are doing it right are visible in many areas.

Here are some ways to spot a great SEO program:

Overall Search Visibility: A company that really gets it and understands the concepts is visible in many different areas online. I still talk to business owners that are hung up on just ranking for a keyword or two thinking that is a successful marketing approach. A good search engine marketing approach is being visible in multiple areas. I’m even going to go as far as saying that pay per click, even though it is not SEO, shows that you clearly understand the concept of visibility. If it was called search engine visibility people might approach it slightly differently.

Social Communication: A company that understands the process and power of online communication with their audience will have a strong presence in the social media space. Social media has a very serious and strong overlap with SEO that many people don’t seem to understand sometimes. Social media is not a fad or some fly by night approach, social media is here to stay and it is starting to have a much stronger impact on search results. More and more Twitter posts and Facebook feeds are starting to find their way directly to organic search results and the companies that embrace it are the ones that understand it and are reaping the rewards.
Embrace The Cloud: Marketing a business on the cloud has a lot to offer and the entrepreneurs and business owners that use and open mind to market themselves understand that almost everything that goes online has some sort of search engine optimization value. Not everything is meant to increase rankings which some businesses don’t seem to understand. You are going to perform certain actions online that might generate visitors directly to your website from that action but will not necessarily increase your rankings which is fine. A visitor is a visitor regardless of how they make their way to your website. The cloud is full of traffic generating sources just waiting to be utilized. The only way you are going to benefit from it is if you have an open mind and realize it requires utilization of everything the search space has to offer.

Quality v.s. Quantity: Dumping 1,000 articles into a directory is not good SEO. Writing a few strategic articles and having them visible in locations where your visitors are hanging out is. A company that understands that good SEO requires strategy and quality and not an approach that includes “science” to gain visibility is on the right path.

Branding Importance: In my personal opinion the companies that hit the nail on the head are the ones that incorporate heavy branding and marketing while introducing hefty SEO elements to get the job done right. In today’s market place there is so much clutter and noise you don’t have a choice but to do something different in order to stand out as much as you can. Without a strong sense of branding you are going to get lost in the sea of noise that exists in almost every vertical and category now. I think some website owners seem to forget just how powerful the power of branding really is. Branding is sometimes much more powerful than rankings. Even great rankings don’t always work anymore if your website is not designed correctly.

Website Conversions: A company that truly understands their SEO knows that their search engine optimization is only as good as their website. If your traffic finds you and your website is set up horribly than nothing is going to convert. There is a series of efforts that are required to really put the pieces together and if they are not set up correctly your SEO efforts will hit bottle necks.

Great search engine optimization requires knowledge, an open mind and a big marketing hat. Without those you are never going to really flourish how you would like.