How to Do On Page Optimization in SEO?

Sunday, December 26, 2010
If you are SEO or know little bit about SEO that there are two part in SEO, 1. On page Optimization and 2. Off Page Optimization. Both are play vital role to optimized a web page or site. On Page Optimization is a technique by means of which your web page gets a high ranking on various Search engines like yahoo, Google MCN etc. You can read my previous post On page and Off Page Factors.

Features of On Page Optimization:

Title Tag : Make 70 characters long title tag. Every page of site have Title according to your target keywords. Make good and meaningful title, so that can attract visitors.

Meta Tag Description : Make 150 characters long meta tag description according to Google. If you have more keywords and you could not use in Title then you can use it in description. Description show on SERP, So, make attractive description so that visitor can make click on your website.

Meta Tag Keywords : If you are targeting 5 - 7 keywords for one web page and you have used in Title and Description then You can add more then 10 keywords in meta tag keywords.

Heading Tags : Use keywords in heading tag. Use only one time H1 and can use H2 and H3 how much you want.

ALT Tags : Search engine don't read image, if you will add ALT tag then search engine read, so, you must add ALT tag in every image of your site with your targeted keywords.

Title Tags in Anchor Text : Make anchor text in page where your keywords has been used in content but don't forget to add Title tag in every Anchor text.

Keyword in Image File Name : If you add image in your site so, keep keywords of image. like site logo image name should be your targeted your or your brand name.

Keyword in Page URL : If you could not register domain with your main keyword name even if with your regional extension then When you create page, use your targeted keywords in page, example, your keyword is Online Marketing Blog, create page like 

Sitemap HTML/XML : Create HTMl and XML site map and upload it on root directory.

Robot.txt File : If you want to block any page of your site and if you use duplicate content and don't wanna index by search engine then you can block it using robot.txt file. After create this file upload it on your root directory.