You can use it so people can request specific information and it is send to contact persons that are responsible to answer the inquiry which can be you and somebody else or even yet another person.
The confirmation page is displayed on the same page and will also show the user the name and email addresses of the contact persons so they know for what they need to check their spam folder for in case they do not receive the message.
Download here the secure Securimage 2.0.1 (zip), unzip it to a folder and correct the path to the files
- securimage.php
- the path in the flash and also the
- path to securimage_show.php
The form we distribute is FREE.
The mail form
You can remove or rename all fields you need or do not need, yet be careful to also change/remove the validation and the variables in the mail you will receive.CTRL A and paste it at line 1 (at top) into an empty page and safe it as .php file or split it up in head section and content area:
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